Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hey You! Mail Order Bride!

The search continues for beautiful, smart, curvy brides over 30. It's funny, anytime I Google the words "Bride" and "30 years old", I immediately get sent to some "Mail Order Bride" website. Really?

Therefore, I'm determined more than ever to bring you relevant stories and photos of women walking into their divine romance after wrestling through their fun, wild, contemplative and often difficult, yet purposeful twenties.

And to you lovely women waiting and expecting to be a bride, and have watched all but two of your friends get married, starred in five weddings, and have given more wedding speeches than are allowed in a lifetime--you've come to the right place.

I found a gem of a couple tonight:  Mandy & Joe

Here's an excerpt from, written by Mandy, on their site:

"After turning 30, I didn't really think I was going to have much hope in getting married, okay well maybe not much hope in having a wedding that I at least semi-envisioned.  Crazy thought, I know.  But my self-confidence was a little tarnished and I was content with just spending my days with my best friend with or without the fancy wedding.  But my hopes were raised when Joe and I decided to go ahead and plan the wedding we always wanted, despite our parents attempts to discourage the idea." 

You can read more about this beautiful bride's story here.


Now my next question, to you ladies is...where do you begin with planning a wedding? What's the absolute first step a bride-to-be should take? We'll explore this topic in the next blog.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

You Might Be Getting Married After All...

     I almost gave this blog site up last week. After days and days of searching for beautiful brides over the age of 30, I found myself stuck. I couldn't find intriguing stories, and no one seemed willing to help with any leads. How would I maintain a site on brides over 30,  if I could only find 5 brides that embraced that description?? But low and behold, right when I wanted to toss in the towel, I came upon this lovely couple...

Bride: Natasha Green (Wedding Age: 35)
Groom: Kevin Reynolds (Wedding Age: 37)

     "Simple & Sweet: Many women already have their wedding dress, their bridesmaid dresses, their ceremony and reception venues selected before they even get a proposal. However, Natasha wanted her big day to be as low-key and hassle-free as humanly possible. The couple decided to have both their wedding and reception at a local restaurant based on the referral of one of Natasha's coworkers. "I wasn't even going to have a ceremony at all but we decided to do something small for our mothers," explains Natasha. There were no bridal party, no huge floral arrangements or most of the other bells and whistles of a typical bridal affair for two young professionals but the couple had more than enough love and laughter for a lifetime of happiness."

     What kind of wedding do you want, my future savvy sonsie bride? Does it matter if you have it outdoors or indoors? In a church, in a restaurant? For those that have already been brides: How did the location play a part in your special day?

For more on Natasha and Kevin's story visit:

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Search for Inspiration

Photo Credit: Parris Whittingham Photography

     Yesterday, I was looking for bridal inspiration, which in turn revives my heart towards romance and towards the hopeful yet sometimes arduous journey of love. Mind you, I'm not yet getting married, not yet engaged, and here's the kicker: I don't even have a boyfriend. I know. Shocking.

     So why would I start a blog that is dedicated to savvy sonsie brides? Well, Just yesterday, I tried to find wedding images to inspire a good friend of mine. This friend, like many girlfriends I have, is a full figured young lady in her early 30s, and does not fit the stereotypical display of beauty we are bombarded with in the media and even here in our lovely Southern California culture. But she is beautiful. I was frustrated that I could not find an array of resources and pictures specifically depicting these types of women.

Photo Credit: Parris Whittingham Photography

     After a few hours of frustration, I figured it was time to start a blog of my own. I wanted to hear stories and see beautiful wedding photography of women that looked more like me, curvy (in small ways and not so small ways) and no longer in their twenties.

     This blog will be dedicated to the stories and insights of beautiful brides of different shapes and sizes over the age of 30.

     If you are a bride that inhabits the themes of this blog, or have been a bride recently, we'd love to hear your story and see the visible interpretation of your love through photos.

     So, to my curvy girls over 30: Let's get inspired!


Photo Credit: Parris Whittingham Photography
Bride: Kisha Cameron (Wedding Age: 34)
Groom: Eric Dingle (Wedding Age: 38)

For more on their beautiful story, go to: